Filing Police Complaints from Abroad: A Guide for NRIs


Being an NRI (Non-Resident Indian) doesn’t mean you lose your rights and protections in India. If you believe that you’ve been a victim of an offense committed by someone in India, there are legal avenues you can pursue, even while staying abroad. In this blog, we’ll explore how NRIs can file police complaints from overseas and seek justice for alleged crimes.

  1. Online Police Complaints: One of the most convenient ways for NRIs to file a police complaint is through the online portal of the respective state’s police department. Take Punjab Police, for example, which offers an online platform for lodging complaints. You can provide details of the alleged offense, share evidence if available, and submit your complaint electronically. This method is efficient, user-friendly, and allows you to initiate the process without physically being in India.
  2. Engaging an Attorney and NRI Commission:For a more formal and legal approach, NRIs can engage an attorney in India who specializes in criminal matters. Your attorney can help you file a complaint before the NRI Commission in Chandigarh, a body dedicated to addressing issues faced by NRIs. The Commission has the authority to investigate and take action on complaints related to crimes against NRIs.
  3. Filing a Criminal Complaint under Section 200:NRIs can also file a criminal complaint under Section 200 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. This section outlines the procedure for Magistrates to take cognizance of an offense upon a complaint. To do this, you would need to approach a Judicial Magistrate in the jurisdiction where the alleged offense occurred. Your attorney or legal representative in India can guide you through this process, ensuring all necessary documentation is in order.
  4. Filing a Motion under Section 156(3):Another option is to file a motion under Section 156(3) of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973. This empowers a Magistrate to order an investigation into an alleged offense. Unlike Section 200, where the Magistrate takes cognizance upon a complaint, Section 156(3) allows the Magistrate to initiate an investigation directly. This can be a powerful tool to ensure a thorough and impartial inquiry into the alleged crime.


As an NRI, you have the right to seek justice if you believe an offense has been committed against you in India. The legal avenues mentioned above provide you with various options for filing police complaints from abroad. Whether you choose to use online platforms, engage an attorney, approach the NRI Commission, or go through the judicial process, it’s essential to gather evidence, maintain clear communication with your legal representative in India, and pursue your case diligently.

Filing a complaint while staying abroad may have its challenges, but it’s a crucial step in seeking justice and upholding the rule of law. With the right legal guidance and determination, NRIs can ensure that alleged offenses are thoroughly investigated and addressed, regardless of their geographical location.

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